It's been a while since I've blogged. A lot has been going on... Baby Madison had her first cold... well, minus the fever - sniffles and cough. Her cough went away within 3 days, but she had sniffles for an entire week. I got to use my nasal aspirator to pump out all the mucous in her nose. She hated it soooooo much, she would cry and whine... I'm so glad the sniffles are gone.
Her sleeping habits are great. She's been sleeping through the night on her own at 5 weeks... she sleeps from 9p to 8a now, we are very lucky!!! She is BIG TIME FINGER EATER... we can hear her sucking on her fingers while she is falling asleep, it's tooooo cute...
Bath time with Baby Madison is fun for both of us... I love to bathe her, she loves to be bathed. She is starting to become so heavy that I can't wear her anymore... she absolutely LOVES being in her 'Baby Bjorn.' She's outgrowing her clothes and eating like a piggy.
Madison is crying a lot less now. She loves to interact with anyone who'll talk to her, eve her inch worm that plays classical music, hehe. She is funny, she tries to talk to her inch worm. I hold her a lot less now, she enjoys to lean against a pillow so we can 'talk.' She still talks to Daddie in the morning - when Daddie is ignoring Madison, she smiles and coos at Daddie to get his attention, but the moment she's done playing, she'll cry... Poor Daddie :p
She's sooooo amazed when grandpa or grandma calls from SF. She stares at the telephone wondering where the other person is??? Madison is very excited when the phone is in front of her, she is always trying to talk back!
We are still visiting Daddie's work for lunches every other Tuesday. Baby Madison LOVES the attention from everybody. She probably thinks her name is 'Sooooo Cute,' since it's all she hears.
Madison LOVES to smile at the camera... she's sooooo vain.
We are all so excited to see Grandpa Thach in 19 days, YAY!!!
1 comment:
Adorable! Next time try a Nosefrida aspirator when she is stuffed, I find that my baby doesn't hate it so much!
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