Well... let's start with Saturday.
Saturday I woke up around 6am for my breakfast bottle, then went straight back to sleep. I slept until my lunchtime bottle. After that, we went to have brunch (more like lunch-dinner) and coffee with my God Father Phil. Afterwards, we took a walk around the mall and went home. After I got home, I was raising hell for my Momma. Then took a bath, had my night cap (night bottle) and didn't wake up until Sunday morning.
I woke up around 6ish am on Sunday morning and had my morning bottle. After that yummy morning bottle, I went back to the sack for a few hours. I woke up to go watch my family eat breakfast together... as soon as they were done with their breakfast, it was my in between bottle (breakfast and lunch, brunch I guess). I took a nap til 230 in the afternoon. After my nap, I had another bottle (the one before my night cap), my grandma decided to take me out for a walk and a visit to my new little cousin. But I raised hell again, terrorized my grandma and great aunties!!! I cried ruthlessly!!! Then I went home to play a little, took a bath and terrorized my Momma too!!! I was tired... so I went to sleep at around 530pm. I got hungry and woke up for my night cap at 7pm... then I slept til the next morning.
It's so great being a baby!
I think I let my Momma have it easy :&