Baby Madi has been super chatty lately... gibbering and jabbering non stop. It was cute in the beginning, but it's still cute (I mean it!). She can tummy roll and back roll, she's mastering it all. Madi just needs to learn how to sit, walk, talk and feed herself.
The weather kinda cooled down, so I dress her in leg warmers since I forgot to buy her pants... oopsy, SORRY! Pants are overrated anyway.
She started solids, bananas. I make homemade baby food now. I blend the bananas in the blender and add some formula so it isn't so thick - she seems to love it so far. Cereal, not so much. Though, I try to sneak some in her bananas. Spoon feeding her is a challenge, she likes to spit it back out w/her tongue and smile back at me - how could I lash out on her?