Not only does Madison have a very super loving family... she has a group of Dynacolor Aunties and Uncles that love her soooooooo much. Thank you so much for the diapers and care (THE BIG FAT RED ENVELOPE)... **kisses**
Your cakes are on the way... **sorry for the delay**
Baby Madi goes through 8-10 diapers a day and she consumes a can of formula (400cc/ml) per 3 days...
Madison has robbed my addiction to shopping. The thought of going to a shopping mall or department store gives me goosebumps... a screaming baby at SOGO = totally not cool... it's like she's telling me not to spend any money. What a brat...
So far she's been eating well and sleeping well. Madison eats 100cc/ml every 3 hours, 120cc/ml before bedtime. She sleeps from 9pm to 5am; she started sleeping through the night without waking up at 6 weeks. Bravo!!!
Madison with her grandma's (mommie's mom) and great grandma... she's the first grandbaby!! (Grandma #1 = Daddie's Mommie, Grandma #2 = Mommie's Mommie, Great Grandma, Madison)
It was nice having my mommie visit from San Francisco, CA. When Madison woke up at 5am, my mom was helping me watch and feed Madison... she is very loving and caring. I'm glad she was able to visit! San Francisco Grandpa and Uncle Aaron will be visiting, I am more excited than Madison...
Here is picture of her sucking on her thumb on her own...
On the bottom is a picture of Madison in her stroller...
It's so embarassing to have a crying baby in a shopping mall!!! Cry babies aren't welcomed... she was wailing so hard and loud that people came over to look at us, like I was hitting her. Urghh...
Sometime in December or January my doctor told me that Baby Madi was a boy. When I came back from San Francisco in March, the doctor told me that our baby boy was in fact a baby girl. Thanks for nothing... I bought soooooo many boy clothes, I guess it came in handy for playtime.
Baby Madi does make a pretty good looking boy, a little sissy-ish.
Baby Madi is totally on Dad's team... a total Daddie's girl. Baby Madi enjoys playing with Mommie and Daddie... and watching Daddie play NBA 2k8 on his xbox, NOT!!!
Everyone keeps asking me what I am feeding her bc she's soooooo chubby. We call her chubby chaser or Chubster. She has very pinch-able cheeks!!! No doubt about it... she beginning to look more and more like her Mommie. Her Mommie looked like a boy, once upon a time ago...
Baby Madi is 6 weeks old now... feels like forever before she walks and talks. She's different everyday; just like how I love, her, it flucuates everyday - it's different everday. I do love her to bits and pieces. I know that Daddie loves her more than anything in the world... the way he looks at her, the way he loves her!
That blue sock monkey is Small Paul Frank. They're BFF's - best friends forever!
Baby Madi is a funny baby... she sometimes sleeps and naps on our bed and we hear her farting... Dave and I just look at each other! This little baby is something...
The very bottom picture is Baby Madi's ritual. Her and Daddie have their morning conversations before he rushes to work in traffic.
All I can say is that her Daddie loves her sooooooooo much that words don't quite express it well enough. She has a grandma and grandpa that loves her sooooooooo much, a great grandma that says 'Hello, little baby' (in Chinese) to her everyday, reminding her that Grandma from San Francisco is visiting soon...
San Francisco Grandpa is visiting in October... Uncle Aaron and Aunt Lori is visiting during Christmas. She also has lots of family in San Francisco who hasn't met her yet, but they're already crazy about her!!! She also has an aunt, uncle and two silly cousins in Houston, TX who are crazy about her!!! *angel, too!!! What a lucky baby she is...
Oh yeah, a Mommie that loves her soooooooo much. She's beginning to look more and more like her Mommie!!! *snip* - says Daddie.
Baby Madi is becoming a big ball of cuteness!!! I think she's eating too well... her cheeks are getting so big and already pinch-able. My arms are getting tired from holding her and carrying her around...
Baby Madi's grandma (Mommie's Mommy) will be visiting on August 26... 13 days left. Baby Madi is so lucky to have grandma spoil the crap out of her. Pssss... there's a baby swing in grandma's luggage (Mommie needs to rest her arms)!
She's different everyday... anything new she does, I am sooooo amazed. She started to smile on her own, non stop sometimes. She looks extra goofy. Her eyes look extra small because of the fat squeezing her face. She is starting to look exactly like Mommie!!! Daddie is sooooooo jealous...
It was her 1 month birthday on Saturday! She had so much fun. Her Daddie's co-workers came over to see her. She received many wonderful presents and cases of diapers, which her Mommie and Daddie are so thankful for!!! She's a pooper trooper...
In the evening, we celebrated Baby Madi's 1 month with family!!! Grandma cooked so many different kinds of food. Lots of aunties and uncles came over to see Baby Madi on her special day!!
Today was Mommie and Baby Madi's first outing together. We ran errands in the morning and had some coffee at Dante by Daddie's workplace. We stopped by at Daddie's workplace to meet everybody. She was so happy to see so many people. Afterwards, we had some lunch together, went back to the workplace to see more people, went home and Mommie took a bath for Baby Madi.
Don't be fooled by her innocent and angelic face because she's all 'EVIL.' She keeps her Mommie and Daddie up at night. She wails when she's not being picked up or when she's hungry. She also digs her fingernails into her face too!!!