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Well... let's start with Saturday.
Saturday I woke up around 6am for my breakfast bottle, then went straight back to sleep. I slept until my lunchtime bottle. After that, we went to have brunch (more like lunch-dinner) and coffee with my God Father Phil. Afterwards, we took a walk around the mall and went home. After I got home, I was raising hell for my Momma. Then took a bath, had my night cap (night bottle) and didn't wake up until Sunday morning.
I woke up around 6ish am on Sunday morning and had my morning bottle. After that yummy morning bottle, I went back to the sack for a few hours. I woke up to go watch my family eat breakfast together... as soon as they were done with their breakfast, it was my in between bottle (breakfast and lunch, brunch I guess). I took a nap til 230 in the afternoon. After my nap, I had another bottle (the one before my night cap), my grandma decided to take me out for a walk and a visit to my new little cousin. But I raised hell again, terrorized my grandma and great aunties!!! I cried ruthlessly!!! Then I went home to play a little, took a bath and terrorized my Momma too!!! I was tired... so I went to sleep at around 530pm. I got hungry and woke up for my night cap at 7pm... then I slept til the next morning.
I woke up around 6am again!!! This time, I had my morning bottle then played til I was cranky, around 830am when my Daddy had to rush to work!!! I slept til 930... I played even more after. Then had a bottle at 1030am... took a nap right away til 215pm. What a wonderful nap... after my nap, I had my afternoon bottle. My Momma burped me, put on some more clothes and took me to Breeze Center Shopping mall to have a late lunch with God Father Phil. I played and played... played some more, got pushed around in my stroller... saw lots of people. Then went home. As soon as I got home, Grandma played with me some more until 630p... I was hungry, again. Momma fed me my night cap... as soon as I finished, I was out like a light. I'm going to sleep til tomorrow morning and wake up to see my Daddie so we can have a chat and play together.
It's so great being a baby!
I think I let my Momma have it easy :&

Hi All -
I get a little sad every night watching Madi sleep... she's growing way too fast for me! A few months ago, she was so helpless and needy, now she plays on her own and she's a bit more mobile, being able to roll around on her own.
What's next... she'll be eating by herself, she'll stop peeing in her pants and she won't need me anymore! Well... not that soon. I love hanging out with her everyday... when she's not around, I'm thinking about her. Eek... sounds like separation anxiety already.
Madi is already sitting up supported, eating apples and playing with her toys. She's a BIG girl now... but still a little baby. After being a mom, it gives me a whole new outlook of things and makes me appreciate my mommie and daddie way more!!!
Hi All -
It feels like forever since I've blogged and it has!
I finally threw in the towel and cooked Madi some homemade baby food. I made APPLESAUCE... No, you don't just blend it. You have to cut it up, remove the core, steam it and then blend it. I tasted it and it was sooooo yum... but Madi would just spit it out and smile at me... until last week, she started to like Applesauce and baby cereal. I thought she'd never start on solids, ever. Feeding her solids isn't as fun as I thought it would be. I would feed her using 2 bibs and a washcloth. But I gave up, I would just let her get messy then bathtime. Hopefully, she'll be eating more people food soon...
Madi is 5 months old, finally. She is an attention whore... it irritates her when I'm not paying attention. What I mean by that - it's not enough that we're in the same room, I have to remain eye contact with her at ALL TIMES. She's always starving for more attention - BLOOD SUCKER!!! If she's not in my arms, she's either in her swing, jumperoo, bouncer seat or on the mat rolling around.
I love it that she is ALWAYS in GOOD spirits. She's almost ALWAYS smiling, especially when I smile at her, she smiles back at me! Like anyone else, she does have her off moments. She's always in her greatest mood when she wakes up from her sleep. I'm happy she's happy.
Gosh, lugging Madi around is getting heavy. She's like a sack of potatoes, HEAVY. My arms feel like they're getting a work out... but where are the muscles???
Baby Madi has been super chatty lately... gibbering and jabbering non stop. It was cute in the beginning, but it's still cute (I mean it!). She can tummy roll and back roll, she's mastering it all. Madi just needs to learn how to sit, walk, talk and feed herself.
The weather kinda cooled down, so I dress her in leg warmers since I forgot to buy her pants... oopsy, SORRY! Pants are overrated anyway.

She started solids, bananas. I make homemade baby food now. I blend the bananas in the blender and add some formula so it isn't so thick - she seems to love it so far. Cereal, not so much. Though, I try to sneak some in her bananas. Spoon feeding her is a challenge, she likes to spit it back out w/her tongue and smile back at me - how could I lash out on her?
Madi really enjoys bathtime with mommie. She likes to kick in the water and catch the bubbles floating around her tub. It's funny because I give her three rubber duckies and the bubbles seems to amuze her more! I started to put her in her jumperoo, she figured it out and loves it. The only toys that she seems to be interested in are toys that can fit in her mouth. She would do a toy-check... take the toy and try to shove it in her mouth, if it goes in, she loves... if not, she won't look at it again.
Hi Everyone!
Madi is doing great so far. She just mastered tummy rolling - but she can't roll from her back to her tummy. Sometimes, she gets stuck from rolling from her tummy and starts crying bc she's pissed! She started rolling around on Oct. 23, a little shy of 4 months old. People kept asking me if she can flip over yet... I started practicing everyday w/her, flipping over and back. Gosh, I bet I am super overbearing in her eyes! Oh well... I'm the BOSS!
She's doing great... Madi is the happiest baby! She smiles at me all the time, especially when I make kissing noises and motions, she squirms ~ she is too cute and I'm not saying that just bc she's my sunshine! She probably thinks her names is so cute already :p okie, I'll stop now!!!
She is a total porker now. Hrmm... her bottle is 200ml per 4 hours, 4 bottles a day. Why so little? bc she sleeps during the rest of the time, YES... I mean, she's sleeping from 7am to 7pm. We tried waking her to feed her some more - BIG MISTAKE. She either gets pissed off and try to go back to sleep or she'll want to play.
On Sunday, we'll taking her to her 4 month pediatrician appointment, which means more shots!!! This time, we'll bring the camcorder. Madi is actually a trooper, she'll cry for 5 seconds and act as if nothing happened, as long as she's getting those kisses from Mommie and Daddie.
I've been training her how to sit on her own. For now, I'm using a pillow to prop her up. It's funny bc she'll start sliding and end up in a really strange position. Makes me laugh everytime...